Archived News: October 2002

Server Upgraded!
10/02/02 08:00 PM CST by futureal
Tonight I moved R/C Tech on to a larger, faster server that should allow the site to continue to grow as rapidly as it has been. As far as I can tell everything went smoothly, and I haven't noticed any problems.

Also, the vBulletin software has been upgraded to v2.2.7, which should help fix a few problems with users staying logged in. As always, if you run into any problems with the site or see anything that needs fixing, please let me know. Thanks!

R/C Car Painting and Airbrushing
10/01/02 02:00 AM CST by futureal
As many of you know, one of the most amazing articles ever written on the subject of lexan body painting has been hosted here for some time now. Well, guess what? The author, HauntedMyst, has made a great thing even better.

No longer just for beginners, R/C Car Painting and Airbrushing now covers a variety of advanced topics and techniques, and is sure to benefit anybody who plans on doing a little bit of painting, from novices to experts.

In addition to the new text, there will soon be a whole slew of new pictures to go along with the article. Keep watching!

Painting Contest Winner
10/01/02 02:00 AM CST by futureal
The winner of the first R/C Tech Painting Contest was F1-Fanatic. With over 20 entries, we saw some great bodies and some great painting work by our members. We plan to have another contest soon, so keep honing your skills and get ready to paint something special!

Pictures of the winning car will be added to the Members Rides section soon. Stay Tuned!

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