Archived News: March 2002

Forum Software Updated
3/31/02 11:00 PM CST by futureal
A couple of days ago I successfully migrated the forum software to vBulletin v2.2.5. Today, I removed the forum sponsor banners in favor of a simple site-wide banner that shows up on (most of) the site pages, as well as all of the forum pages.

This was a necessary step because the site is literally bleeding money right now. It has grown so fast in its seven months of life that I have been unable to keep up with the costs. This month alone has seen an increase in bandwidth of 40% (to a lofty 27GB). In the short term, I will be doubling the advertising rate (to $20/month) which I think is still more than fair given the amount of page views going on daily.

Look for more updates shortly, including new Articles, Reviews and Members' Rides. I will have Donation pages up shortly as well (hooray! haha). Happy Easter!

New Reviews & Stuff
3/1/02 5:00 PM CST by futureal
Now that things have slowed down a bit, I'm finally getting a chance to catch up on some of the general maintenence on the site. I offloaded some old news into the archive, and joined one of those goofy "Top 100" lists (the little icon below the link bar to your left). Make sure you vote for us whenever you have a minute!

A review of the Duratrax Intellipeak Digital Pulse Charger has been completed by Darkseid, and can be found here. Also, I never posted an announcement for it before, but my review of the SpeedTech R/C Project XXX-S parts can be found here.

Also, I want to thank our friends at Team Orion for providing us with a custom newsfeed, so it now matches the background color of the page. Awesome!

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