Archived News: September 2001

Live Chats & Advertising
09/28/01 10:45 AM CST by futureal
We have decided on a time for our weekly Live Chats, at least for the next few weeks. The chats will be on Wednesday evenings, from 9 PM - 11 PM EST (6-8 PM PST). The first took place last week and was a success. Of course, feel free to stop by the chat room whenever you can, as there are usually a few people in there.

Also, I finally have the advertising rates finalized and the information can be found here. Thanks!

More Updates
09/19/01 1:00 AM CST by futureal
Finally getting around to making some more updates. We're getting closer and closer to being 100% ready and open. On October 1st our advertising and hosting rates will go into effect, to help keep the site afloat. We are averaging between 500-1000 unique hits a day, not including the forums, which I feel is pretty good. Anyway, some new stuff:

- the Web Links page is now functioning
- the About R/C Tech page is now functioning
- the Members' Rides page has been updated
- remember that email is available! See this thread for details.

Darkest Day
09/11/01 10:00 AM CST by futureal
I'd like to break from the normal operations of our site to take a moment to reflect on the maddening events that took place this morning in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington D.C. For the younger among us, remember this day well; this is the Pearl Harbor of your generation.

Take a moment to pray for our safety, and the victims of this tragedy and their families.

Chicago Hobby Show Coverage (finally!)
09/09/01 7:00 PM CST by futureal
Check out this page for our Hobby Show coverage. It will be updated throughout the night tonight as we add all of the info we picked up over the show's 4-day run. Enjoy!

Chicago Hobby Show AND RCTech Email!
09/06/01 2:00 AM CST by futureal
Good news, everybody!

For our first "major event" here on, we will be providing you with our own take on the Chicago Hobby & Model Expostion, taking place at the Rosemont Convention Center in Chicago from today through Sunday. Look to us for coverage of all the latest gear & gadgets from R/C-land.

In other news, we now have web-based AND POP-based email available! For information on how to receive your own account, check out this thread in the forums.

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