Archived News: August 2001

Old RCTouring Email Gone
08/29/01 1:00 AM CST by futureal
The reports have filtered in over the last few days that the old email service has indeed been disabled, and thus our front-page link to it has been removed.

Update: I have posted info about email addresses. They are indeed live and ready to go! Read this thread in the forums for more information.

I would also like to post one final reminder that I WAS NOT the owner or webmaster for RCTouring, and thus, PLEASE stop sending me hate mail over its demise. If anybody still thinks I screwed them over, well, I hope that can fill the gaping hole in your life. Thanks!

Members are Riding
08/24/01 1:00 AM CST by futureal
The Members Rides area is now online and fully operational. Check it out when you have a chance, and if you feel like submitting something to R/C Tech, follow the links on the page. More web goodies coming tomorrow...

Chat the night away...
08/22/01 1:00 AM CST by futureal
First, let me say thank you to all of the people that have come together to make a success so quickly. Keep spreading the word, and things can only get better from here.

Second, I would like to take this opportunity to say goodbye to one of our long-time Admins from RCtouring, pc9840. He is embarking upon a 5-year tour of duty in the US Navy. Wish him luck, and hopefully he'll stop in to say hi here and there.

And finally, it's something you've waited for since the early days of RCtouring: Live Chat is here! Click the link on your left to start the Java applet, and you're all set. It might take a little getting used to, but once you figure it out it's a very good (and stable) chat applet. Enjoy!

Forums up and running!
08/20/01 3:00 PM CST by futureal
Last night the install of vBulletin was a success and it appears that word is already spreading about the new site, as many regulars from the old site are making appearances. The forums still need some major tweaking, but they are operational, which is better than nothing.

More updates will be coming soon... stay tuned!

Welcome to
08/19/01 1:00 AM CST by futureal
Welcome to our new site!

As many of you may know, our long-time forum community over at recently went down. While this is not meant to be direct replacement for Dan's site, it is our goal to provide a "familiar place" for those users who feel a little displaced by the loss of the RCtouring forums.

Our plan is simple: to provide you with the most consistent and unbiased R/C Vehicles Forum on the net, as well as moderated For Sale/Trade forums, timely product news and reviews, live chat, and more. Obviously these goals will not all be realized from the get-go, but with your help, they are easily within our grasp.

Though our forums will initially be small, we encourage you to register and participate. All Private Clubs and Manufacturers' Forums from the old RCtouring will be welcomed here with open arms, and all Moderators will be welcomed back to their former posts, if they will do us the honor.

Thanks again for visiting us!

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